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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method stop

Wednesday, November 19, 2008   

Since I've been using AS3, I don't remember the last time I actually extended MovieClip. It just never needs to happen. I started getting a strange error - methods being rejected in a DisplayObject from a while back. A timeline script on a symbol set to export... as a Sprite. The original intent.

The symbol itself was edited and some frames of different artwork added to it. And a stop() on frame 1. Since Sprites don't have timelines, a stop() call on frame 1, the compiler barfed. However it didn't actually say what was going on.

It would be nice to have: symbols set subclassing Sprite not having code or frames added to the symbols. It would also be nice if the error message stated why the method was undefined. 

Not a huge deal, but it did have me scratching my head and checking the properties in the library for the asset. Took me a little while to figure out what was going on. Thanks compiler for catching that anyway, next time around maybe a little more verbose? (CS5?)
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There are currently 1 Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...
“Thank you. This problem just caught me and you saved me hours of scratch time

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