AVP: Expanding Immersive Experiences.
A quick exploration of marketing and industrial design for a potential Apple Vision Pro 3.0.
Orbitals With An Address.
A turning sphere of orbs placed in an expanding grid which are each individually addressable.
Frosted Glass. Refined. Translucent. Alive.
A dynamic background texture featuring frosted glass with elegantly moving light elements.
Prototyping the Future in Virtual Reality.
Designed multiple audio experiences on my custom platform using Unity, spatial audio, and 360° video. Deployed as a range of experiences for future exploration and rapid iteration.
Tracking the Sun and Moon.
A widget that tracks the current position of the sun (my longitude and latitude), sunrise, sunset, solar noon, evening golden hour, and phases of the moon.
Dot Matrix For All.
A low-fi album cover screen made of large pixels and color assignments, inspired by TuneShine. I love the look. Cycle through various album covers and images.
Cloud Cover.
A wispy day in Newport, Rhode Island, with beautiful clouds drifting in from the ocean. Open to various implementations.
Take Rush for a Spin.
A record player simulation, authentic to 78rpm, deceleration of spin and music, with a working stylus arm.
Toggle Time.
A quick exploration presenting toggle buttons of differing styles with a simple 3D effect.
A gentle shifting water displacement effect placed on my face - an image processing technique brought to life (by a small amount anyway).
Glowing Edge Effect.
I came across an elegant effect and was inspired to create my own related component—giving your element a glowing edge that reacts to your mouse position.
Device Rotation.
Accessing mobile browser device rotation and adjusting the rotation of the dancing ladies. Supported on mobile only.
A Magic Button.
When activated on a mobile phone, audio processing removes both local and remote noise during conversations. A collaboration with a leading phone manufacturer.
Artificial Intelligent.
Two takes on an artificial intelligence agent, with micro animations pre-scripted as a prototype for dynamic interaction. Capturing nuance and exploring possibilities.
Proximity Lighting.
Manipulate a grid of elements based on their distance from your mouse cursor.
Sphere of Numerals.
A gently spinning sphere of distributed numerical objects around a central point, reacting to hover events.
Linking Ideas, One Widget at a Time.
A compact linking widget that scrolls content and related atmospherics—currently a work in progress, serving as a platform for deploying reusable, intriguing elements.
Tiny CMS, Big Possibilities.
A bespoke PHP and session-based CMS with hashed password protection, designed for cloud-based storage with low-capacity access. A proof of concept with custom integration, enabling editing and creation when logged in.
Off the Charts Fun.
A simple data set that automatically updates to demonstrate what a swipe-to-advance animation might look like. Currently using a basic array of objects, which could be sourced from JSON.
Micro-Animations, Maximum Impact.
A straightforward setup of a few standard Lottie files, with custom payloads created using their online editor. Demonstrating micro-animations and how they can be seamlessly integrated.
There's a Charge in the Air.
More of an experiment in video masking, but it could work as a visual companion to an increasing battery charge — where clouds slowly become more voluminous as your phone fills up.
It's Braun Time.
A simple, compact web widget that displays analog time with a sweeping seconds hand. It supports the current date, though this feature is disabled in the interface for simplicity.
Glug, glug, glug.
While charging your device and not in Standby, it could be visually engaging to see it fill with virtual effervescent water.
Original oil paintings.
E-Ink for SoundLink Revolve.
Exploring financial system design.
A design collaboration with Motorola.
Setup for WiFi prototyping.
Setup for Bluetooth prototyping.
With my cocoa bean.
Interface work in Sketch/Figma.
Web components for hand-off.
CES automotive prototype designs.
In-car audio control interface design.
Product interface design studies.
Rebranding & design system work.
On-product design simulation.
Part of a debugging tool for BT integrated prototype.
SwiftUI for iOS masking audio prototype.
My homage to Paul Cezanne.
Sketches for form factors of a product concept.
SwiftUI for watchOS : Headphone listening mode control.
User flow planning with state table.
Personal branding exercise.
Headphone customization kiosk software.
Mac OS software to prototype iOS ML ANC development.
Advertising for the Calvados board in France.
Me and my kids in Newport, Rhode Island.
1 Infinite Loop during a WWDC.
CarPlay user interface.
Playful mathematical diagramming.
Music app design for light and dark modes for iOS.
Personal branding for iOS.
Lee, Lifeson, Peart.
More CarPlay.
More CarPlay.
Advertising for the Calvados : billboard
Internal web tool for promotional program planning.
Part of a debugging interface.
Online gallery for a fellow photographer.
My self-portrait in my Tudor bonnet.
Audio interface elements.
More audio interface elements.
Meeting Craig Federighi from .
Meeting Martin Barre from Jethro Tull.
I General Magic.
Pretending to laugh at a Mr. Connery joke.
Four books I co-authored and had published.
I take sketching and note taking seriously.
To-doist interface improvements.
Neighing at The Natick Farm.
Various design and interface studies.
Early interface studies for a sleep-aid application.
Project planning and wireframing for a project.
An online book page-turning widget.