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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Saffron UML acquired by Microsoft?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008   

Someone left a comment here ("pssd") about a DIGG in regards to Saffron.

"Jeff D. confirms that Saffron has been bought by Microsoft and will no longer be released as an AS3/air app. Sam is currently working with Microsoft engineers to move the code base over to WPF/Silverlight with a view to a release in Q1 next year as an online app available as part of the Visual Studio package. April 23"

Hmm... Sam's website is down for maintenance, and the digg references a journal entry from 2/19/2008 -- which doesn't currently exist anymore. 

So there is no way to actually prove any of this is real. There hasn't been any news in a long time. So it has the ring of truth in it (acquired), or perhaps Sam is putting out all the stops in regards to getting ready for a release so many are eager for.

If Microsoft did acquire this, congrats Sam. Although it pains me to see this beauty deployed in anything but an AS3 AIR application.
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There are currently 13 Comments:

Blogger Joel said...
“When I first read this comment on the LoI blog, it stated first quarter 2013, or something like that. It was a joke.

Or maybe not!”
Anonymous Dominick Accattato said...
June 4, 2008 4:40 PM
“I highly doubt that Sam would do that. He's probably heads down in dev right now ;)”
Anonymous Anonymous said...
June 4, 2008 4:51 PM
Anonymous Steve said...
June 4, 2008 4:51 PM
“Are you kidding me? They plan to strip all the code and spend half a year porting the whole thing over to WPF?

Man, how hard is it to just get a nice, free UML modeler tool?

Looks like I'll be sticking with gmodeler for a while.”
Blogger ben.clinkinbeard said...
June 4, 2008 8:21 PM
“Pretty sure we were supposed to get access to a Saffron beta at 360Flex in Seattle last August. If it were to get ported I think 2013 would be about right.”
Anonymous Jason MacDonald said...
June 5, 2008 9:38 AM
“People need to stop over reacting to stupid rumors. A simple look at Samuels Twitter feed would tell you he's still working on Saffron (FOR FLASH!) and just working on bugs for a beta release. He even says it will be released soon but he has 76 bugs to sort through first!.”
Blogger mkeefe said...
June 5, 2008 10:53 AM
“I agree with Jason, Sam's twitter feed does indeed mention various advances in the Saffron development. Also, I did a little Google searching and found that DIGG article is craftily linking to the original Saffron entry that was post after FITC Amsterdam. just an fyi.”
Blogger Stray said...
June 9, 2008 4:58 PM
“Has anybody every seen anything except artwork in terms of saffron dev?

I'll be over the moon if Sam releases a Beta, and it all looks amazing in design terms. I'm just a bit confused by the lack of testing ... unless there has been an alpha and everybody is under NDA? But if even apple can't keep that sorta thing secret, I don't know how Saffron testers wouldn't have leaked at least a few details ...”
Anonymous Anonymous said...
June 11, 2008 5:53 PM
“Everyone just needs to hold on to their collective panties...we'll see what's in store, all in good time.”
Anonymous vinnie vivace said...
August 12, 2008 6:27 AM
“my panties have pretty much dropped to the floor at this point... anyone have an update?”
Blogger Jensa said...
September 16, 2008 3:20 PM
“Hmmm... I'm also hoping for this to arrive, but his last post on the Twitter feed was one month ago:

"SamuelAgesilas: is thinking about his mothers biopsy results"

Sounds serious. I hope his mother is alright...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
October 24, 2008 1:46 PM
“Sam is full of shit”
Anonymous Anonymous said...
December 15, 2008 4:36 PM
“I was at FITC in Toronto, where Sameul gave a presentation on Saffron. I was stoked, and ready to write an article about his work, until he told me he didn't have anything I could see.

I told him I wanted to see something more than a screenshot, which could just be a rendering, before I advised everyone of this great new opensource tool; thus, he told me it would be in public beta very soon and gave me a URL to check in about a week. I checked the URL Samuel gave me, and there is still nothing 8 months later.

My instincts are telling me that he wanted to do something; yet, couldn't get it done.

Why would you let this guy do a presentation if he has nothing to show?

I hated FITC.”
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