Thursday, August 23, 2007
Aug. 23, 2007. Another quick podcast merely testing the order of presentation via subscriptions and getting a few minor things in order. Sorry for the noise, enjoy the quick Magic Garageband tune you'll hear in this one.
Podcast as .m4a 1.53MB
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
This is a quick podcast done mainly for testing to make sure that my new digs at Media Temple is hooked up with the XML and stuff to ensure things operate smoothly. If this works correctly and you are already subscribed via iTunes, you should see this podcast appear automatically for you.
Podcast as .m4a 1.79MB (really small)
Friday, September 1, 2006
This is a re-establishment podcast posting. I think I was explaining some medical stuff and why I was slow on the podcasting front.
Podcast as .m4a (29.21M)