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Friday, November 21, 2008

The impact of AIR 1.5 already...

Friday, November 21, 2008   

I just blogged about AIR 1.5 and warping windows. I stumbled upon the Adobe AIR Development Center for Ajax and HTML (link)  and noticed that many examples there have been updated to use the updated AIR runtime.

The screenshot above shows the BlackBookSafe AIR application - which has integrated a bunch of PixelBender effects. When you select a person in the list, the main interface curls backwards in space and the user's detail card pops out of it.

This is a pretty dynamic and amazing effect -- brought to us by the inclusion of PB support in the new AIR runtime. It's kind of what I had posted about earlier

Well done, I love it. It's very creative and not over the top.
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