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Friday, December 18, 2009

iPhone Development: My struggle with the distribution provisioning profile

Friday, December 18, 2009   

In the end my solution to building an app bundle the iTunes Connect application would accept for upload would be a head scratcher yet simple enough. It took a long time getting there.

It began with a simple distribution provisioning profile creation and installation. I cleaned my targets and ran a build. No problems. I zipped up the bundle, uploaded it & got a signing error. Hmm. I googled about it and found tons of information about the problem - all with different solutions - some very labor intensive.

I checked my project build settings - I was setting to iPhone Distribution: Eric Dolecki. I then checked my target build settings - it was set to iPhone Developer (Eric Dolecki). Aha I thought. I changed the provision to distribution. Same error on upload.

I revoked the previous distribution provisioning profile and generated a new one. The expiration date was Saturday December 18th which was wrong... but whatever. I installed that and tried again. Same error.

I then changed the settings to iPhone Distribution (without my name trailing the title) & bam! It linked my name with the distribution profile and thus I was able to upload my bundle! Yay!

This didn't make a lot of sense to me (why have the generic distribution profile work & link up and the one with my actual name in it not work). I'm glad I finally figured it out & now await my approval.


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