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Thursday, July 16, 2009

iPhone Book: Beginning iPhone 3 Development (hold the phone)

Thursday, July 16, 2009    0 Comments

When I set out to jump into iPhone development, I knew that I wanted to collect a lot of material that I could read through.

I printed tons of pages found on the internet, and I also purchased a few books on the subject. I keep two on my desk at all times: Beginning iPhone Development (Exploring the iPhone SDK) by Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche, and The iPhone Developer's Cookbook.

I refer to them every now and then in case I forget something pretty silly and need a quick reference. And yes, I am also guilty of opening up previous Projects looking for techniques I used before that I want to employ again. I just did that twenty minutes ago. I'm sure I'll do it again before the close of the day.

But what's the point of this post? You see, the Beginning iPhone 3 Development book is new, but it's not completely new. A little sprinkling of Core Data has been added and some Table View styling. That's about it.

If you are into the new stuff in the 3.0 SDK (GameKit, MapKit, Push Notifications, In-App Purchase, more Core Data, etc.) then you want to wait for the book from the same guys to be called More iPhone 3 Development. So check Amazon every now and then. These guys put together really fine books, so you'll be well-served. Just don't get the new one they just put out thinking it's going to cover SDK 3.0 in any great detail.

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